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Ungarn National

Kölcsey Ferenc

Ferenc Kölcsey


Bless the Magyar, Lord we pray,
Nor in bounty fail him,
Shield him in the bloody fray
When his foes assail him.
He whom ill?luck long has cursed,
This year grant him pleasure,
He has suffered with the worst
Time beyond all measure.

To Carpathian peaks you brought
Bendeguz's nation,
Beautiful the land you wrought
For their occupation.
Wherever the Danube rolls
Where the Tisza urges
Heroic seed of Árpád's soul
Flowers along their verges.

Ears of ripe corn wave to us
Across Cumanian meadows,
Tokay grapes extend to us
Honey dripping shadows.
Flags of ours you plant upon
Turkey's forts and fences,
Matthias's horde tramples down
Wien's proud defences.

Ah, but through our crimes and faults
Furiously driven,
You unleashed your thunderbolts
Hurling them from heaven,
Arrows of the Mongol hordes
Rained on us in battle,
Then the Turkish overlords
Took us for their chattel.

Osman lips, how frequently,
With their fearsome crowing,
Celebrated victory
As our blood was flowing.
Dearest land, sons of your clay
Turned on their own mother,
You, their charnel house, where they
Laid waste to each other.

Fugitive, concealed, alone,
Fearing sword and sentry,
Vainly seeking for a home
In his native country,
Climbs the peak, flees to the vale,
Doubt and care uphold him,
Seas of blood lap at his heel,
Seas of fire enfold him.

Castle once, now heap of stones;
Fled are all its graces,
Death-cries, rattles, sighs and groans
Occupy their places.
Ah but liberty disdains
Veins that death must vanquish,
Red-eyed orphans in their chains
Weeping where they languish.

With the Magyar take your stand,
Lord, in his vain struggles,
Shield him with your mighty hand
From that sea of troubles.
He whom ill-luck long has cursed
This year grant him pleasure,
He has suffered with the worst
Time beyond all measure!

(George Szirtes)



L’hymne hongrois - Magyar Himnusz (Orchestral with Vocals) ERKEL Ferenc.mp3 - 2.2 Mo

L’hymne hongrois - Magyar Himnusz (Orchestral with Vocals) ERKEL Ferenc.mp3

anima sound system - himnusz remix  - 5.2 Mo

anima sound system - himnusz remix

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Les paroles de l’hymne national hongrois sont dues à Ferenc Kölcsey (1790-1838), grand poète des réformes hongroises. Le poème avait été écrit en 1823. Sa musique est celle du compositeur-chef d’orchestre Ferenc Erkel (1810-1893), lauréat du concours lancé en 1844 pour la mise en musique du chant national. L’hymne Kölcsey-Erkel fut interprété pour la première fois sur la scène du Théâtre national de Budapest en 1844, mais deviendra officiellement l’hymne national de la Hongrie seulement en 1903. Le poème se compose de huit strophes mais, lors des cérémonies officielles on ne joue où chante généralement que la première.

Un autre poème, intitulé « Exhortation » écrit en 1836, est considéré en Hongrie comme un deuxième hymne national, que l’on chante volontiers à la fin des réunions solennelles. L’auteur en est l’éminent poète Mihály Vörösmarty (1800-1855), le compositeur Béni Egressy (1814-1851). Date de la composition : 1840.


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